Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Hop On Over    
to Symmes Elementary School
Friday, March 11 from 6:30-8:00 P.M.
for our
& Evening Book Fair

Check out some of the fun events!
Illustration of a black andRoom 1: Make a bunny mask to pretend that you’re Bunnicula!
Illustration of a black andRoom 4: Pet a real bunny and learn all about rabbits
from animal expert, Dr. Bruner!
  Illustration of a black andRoom 5: Do the “bunny hop” and hope to land on the winning number to win some funny bunny prizes.
Illustration of a black andCafeteria: Bunny Cookie Decorating!
Illustration of a black andCafeteria: ”I Spy with my Little Bunny Eye...”
book Scavenger Hunt!
Illustration of a black andMulti-Purpose Room: Book Fair! (6:00-8:30)
Wrap -up the Night in the Media Center at 7:45!
Listen to Mrs. VanKirk as she reads Creepy Carrots
(a fun little tale) to send you home with a smile.
*Every child gets a special prize to take home, and a chance to win a raffle drawing!
We hope to see everyone there!