Thursday, January 21, 2016


Our children's safety and security is always a top priority for us at Symmes Elementary.  With the potential for severe weather or other situations that could cause the district to call for an early release prior to the end of the school day, it is vital that we are able to communicate quickly with you to ensure that your child knows his or her plan for getting home safely.

In the event that we would need to release students early, the district will utilize all communication resources to inform you of this decision. This will include email and phone communication.  In addition, your child's classroom teacher will quickly reach out to you via email or phone to ensure that your child knows the plan for how he/she is to be transported to home or daycare. We ask that you reply as quickly as possible so we can adequately prepare for your child’s safe dismissal.  If we have not heard back from parents by dismissal time, we will assume the child is to go home via their regular route.

As a reminder, it is always valuable to have alternate in-district emergency contact information on file with the school office.  It is also important to have conversation with your child regarding what he/she should do if your child should arrive home to a locked house (Which neighbor should he/she go to?  What phone number should they call to reach a parent?, etc.).  

Thanks for your attention to these proactive measures to keep all of our children at Symmes Elementary safe.