Wednesday, October 22, 2014

With falling leaves and falling temperatures comes an increased likelihood of inclement weather.

In preparation for winter, Sycamore Community Schools will test our phone notification system on Wednesday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m.

Sycamore will use this opportunity to call all primary contacts that we have on file for all of our registered students in order to correct any errors in advance of a real weather emergency. Parents DO NOT need to “opt in” to receive these recorded calls. This is a change from previous years.

If they so choose, this test will also give families the opportunity to opt out of receiving future calls. Please listen to the test call message and follow the prompts to be removed from the call list.

If you do not receive the test call and would like to receive future calls, please contact your student's building secretary.

If you receive the test call and would like to opt out of future calls, please contact your student's building secretary or call (513) 686-1793 and leave a message with the following information:
   Phone number to be removed from our call list.
   Name of student connected with this phone number. 

In case of a real school delay or closing due to inclement weather, messages will be sent both through email and telephone calls. Calls will be made no earlier than 5 a.m. and no later than 10 p.m.